Friday, May 8, 2009

One Lump or Two?

Today Ansley's preschool hosted a "Mother's Day Tea" for all the mothers.  It was so sweet and I really enjoyed it.  Every five minutes or so, all day long, Ansley has wished me a "Happy Mother's Day."  It was very sweet (yet annoying at the same time). 

Invitation artwork by Ansley Bruce.  [Tea pot on the left.  Two tea cups.  Many-legged table.]

There were flowers.

And there were muffins.  Lots of muffins.

It was a great start to Mother's Day weekend. 


forever folding laundry said...

Love it!! Such sweet kiddos.

Mainly a midwife said...

It was super fun. I hope it becomes a new preschool tradition. Lovely!

shannon said...

That was really sweet. I love the dress!