Thursday, January 14, 2010

House Guests.

Did you ever have house guests that arrived in time for the holidays and overstayed their welcome?

I'm not really thinking Cousin Eddie.  I'm thinking more...

Yeah. EEEEWWWW.  It's disgusting. This family of mice have moved in to our house where it's warm and cozy.

Sorry Mickey and friends, YOU GOTS TO GO.


forever folding laundry said...


I think I'll keep the salamaders.


Mainly a midwife said...

oh my goodness.

Anonymous said...

Gross. And I always feel bad for the mice....

seriously? said...

OK....yes, Ewwww but, from the picture he looks kinda cute. :)

Liz Mays said...

Yep, we just caught one the other day in a snap trap. Ick!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Oh my gosh. Is that glue trap??

Counselormama said...

ewww! I hate rodentia of any kind! Hope you get rid of them!

Anonymous said...

EW, ew, yuck. My friend was recently telling me that while travelling and staying at a super swanky hotel, she noticed that the Snickers in the mini bar was CHEWED ON! EW EW EW! Mickey is only cute when he's dressed in gloves, pants, and oversized shoes!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

I totally did a post about the same thing last month. I think they are invading California!