Friday, March 19, 2010

Where the Rubber Meets the Road.

This is it. Race weekend.  I will be running my first 5K on Sunday. The only problem I foresee is that I have been sick this week, really sick. The last day I ran was this past Monday, which means I missed two runs. Until this week, I hadn't missed any runs in 11 weeks of training.

During the last 2+ months of training, I have not run outside...AT ALL. To say I'm nervous, would be a huge understatement. I'm what you might call, "Grace-Challenged" to be more precise, somewhat of a klutz, which is why I run on the treadmill. I like my two front teeth thankyouverymuch and I prefer to keep them right where they are. I'm also worried that this bladder challenged non-runner has the potential to really embarrass herself in a crowd composed of residents from our small town.

It would be so easy for me to back out. I could hang it all on being sick this past week. But, I won't. I can't. I have to do it and mark it off my to do list.

I just pray I survive and that I don't pee my pants. Ok, I'll probably survive and I'll also probably pee my pants, I just hope no one notices. 


Jennifer Friedman said...

Way to go, Peaches! I am so proud of you and I know you can do it!

Mainly a midwife said... are going to run this race or rather...we ARE going to run this race. And I will carry a water bottle with me and "accidentally" spill it all over you if you need it ;)

We are going to do great...which means we are going to finish the 5K and it doesn't matter how long it takes us!!!!

Jessica | The Frilly Coconut said...

That's wonderful!! Good luck doing that tomorrow.

Thanks for putting my blinkie on your site - I'm glad you love it! Happy (early) Easter!